Todo o ano
3 / 10

Será uma fotografia completa do passado e do presente! Vai adorar a cidade do Porto!

Depois de o ir buscar no seu hotel, alojamento ou Terminal de Cruzeiros de Leixões,* vamos conhecer o Porto moderno e o Porto antigo, a cidade de Gaia e apreciar as vistas sobre o Porto.

Começamos pela cidade medieval, incluindo a Sé Catedral, a Estação de Comboios de São Bento e os magníficos painéis de azulejos pintados à mão, e a Ribeira, que é o coração do Património da Unesco.

Na parte alta da cidade, o nosso passeio vai levar-nos à Avenida dos Aliados e a Câmara Municipal, à Torre dos Clérigos, à Livraria Lello, às Igrejas do Carmo e Carmelitas, à Judiaria e ao maravilhoso miradouro de Vitória.

Para almoçar, recomendo uma pequena povoação de pescadores situada no boca do rio Douro e onde há excelentes opções de peixe ou carne, rodeado de um ambiente verdadeiramente local.

Gaia oferece uma zona ribeirinha incrível e vistas deslumbrantes sobre o Porto. Vai descobrir o miradouro da Serra do Pilar, o mais espectacular miradouro para o Porto e a para a ponte Luís I.

Descubra o mundo dos Vinhos do Porto numa visita a uma das mais requintadas Caves de Vinho do Porto! Uma visita muito informativa seguida de uma Prova Premium armonizada com chocolate!

* Nota: Os tours com início no Terminal de Cruzeiros estão disponíveis. Se chegar ao Porto de cruzeiro, irei buscá-lo à doca e deixá-lo lá novamente. A essência do tour (e o preço) é o mesmo como descrito.

PICK UP/DROP OFF No seu hotel no Porto ou no Terminal de Cruzeiros em Leixões
INÍCIO / FIM 09:30 às 17:00 (approx)
Pick up/drop off no seu hotel ou Terminal de Cruzeiros

Transporte privado

Visita às Caves e Prova de Vinhos do Porto

Guia Profissional

Tempo livre para almoço

Gorjetas e despesas pessoais

Despesas não mencionadas no programa


Para 1 ou 2 pessoas: total de 340€ | 165€ por pessoa

Para 3 pessoas: total de 375€ | 125€ por pessoa

Para 4 pessoas: total de 420€ | 105€ por pessoa

Para 5 pessoas: total de 460€ | 92€ por pessoa

Para 6 pessoas: total de 510€ | 85€ por pessoa

Para 7 pessoas: total de 560€ | 80€ por pessoa

Para 8 pessoas: total de 600€ | 75€ por pessoa

Para reservar, entre em contacto connosco:

Pagamentos aceites: PayPal e Cartão de Crédito/Débito


Itinerário Detalhado

Os destaques do nosso tour são:

  • Estação São Bento e os enormes painéis de azulejos pintados à mão;
  • Miradouro da Serra do Pilar: o miradouro mais espectacular sobre o Porto;
  • Visita às Caves e Prova de Vinhos do Porto;
  • Ribeira, Património da Humanidade;
  • Ponte Luís I;
  • Sé Catedral do Porto, o bairro medieval e rua mais antiga do Porto!
  • Avenida dos Aliados Camâra Municipal;
  • A Judiaria;
  • Igrejas do Carmo e Carmelitas;
  • Livraria Lello e Torre dos Clérigos.

Regresso ao seu hotel ou ao Cruzeiro no Porto de Leixões.


Fim do Tour

uma gaivota e a vista sobre a cidade do porto
os barcos rabelos e a ponte luis I no porto
os tradicionais barcos rabelos no rio douro
igrejas do Carmo e Trindade
a fachada principal da sé do porto
a torre dos clérigos no porto
fachadas das casas tradicionais da baixa do porto
miradouro da serra do pilar sobre a cidade do porto
a cidade do porto vista desde a serra do pilar
as caves de vinho de porto em Gaia
vista da ponte luis I desde as caves de vinho do porto

Tour Comentários

5.00 baseado em 23 revisões

This was an excellent tour to get acquainted with Porto. Norberto knew his stuff and was an excellent guide!


Norberto is not only a great tour guide; he is very much at home in this city. He knows all the in’s and out’s of Porto. He does his work with a passion and is a pleasure to be with.


Hands down the best Tour Guide we had during our stay in Portugal!

My daughter and I took a walking tour with Norberto Lopes Pinto in Porto. He was by far the best tour guide we had during our stay in Porto and Lisbon. He is very knowledgeable about the history of his Country. Whether it be architectural, political, or about local gems. His personality is warm and inviting, with a good sense of humor. He created the perfect balance of pointing something out and “moving on” and “staying still” to take in, and learn about about something of important interest. Having Norberto as our first guide raised the bar for each guide after him. A tough act to follow! We’re so thankful to have had him show us Porto. Highly recommended.


I did a private 8 hour tour of Porto with Norberto. It was excellent and so informative. He was right on time in a newer , very clean van. We saw every major site and he explained them in detail with a fantastic knowledge of the history. He also organized a port wine tour and was overall a pleasure to spend the day with. I recommend for any tour near Porto.


Quality time!
Norberto is an excellent guide. He showed me different sides of Porto and we had fun sharing our travel experiences. He even took me to some off beaten path place to taste Porto and as an added bonus the lady in the wine shop was super sweet. I’d recommend Norberto to anyone I know!


Norberto brinda un excelente servicio!

Hicimos tres recorridos con Ennetours: Guimaraes y Braga, Aveiro, Costa Nova y Coimbra y el centro de Oporto. Los tres fueron excelentes gracias a la compañía de Norberto, quien además de guía, tiene mucha experiencia de mundo, pues ha viajado por toda África y toda Asia. Nos llevó siempre a restaurantes asequibles donde comió con nosotros (a diferencia de otros guías que se apartan a la hora de comer). Además cuidó de mi mamá, que es una persona mayor, para que no tuviera problemas en el recorrido.
Como todos los buenos guías, pasamos de los lugares más afamados a los sitios secretos que solamente él parecía conocer. Realmente excelente (y pregúntenle por los tours que hace a Marruecos).


Great full day tour of Porto!

I did a full 8 hour tour of Porto being my first time there. Norberto was awesome from being right on time in a nice clean van to hitting all the sites I wanted. He added excellent explanations and history around each site and pointed out things no tourist would ever notice
Also arranged a nice port wine tour. I highly recommend.


wunderbare Tour durch Porto und das Dourotal!

Wir hatten mit Norberto eine Stadttour durch Porto, die uns die Stadt in ihrer Ursprünglichkeit gezeigt hat und wir waren sofort begeistert. Norberto ist ein wunderbarer Führer, der alle Details und Hintergründe kennt. Wir haben dadurch einen super Überblick über die Stadt gewonnen. Außerdem war die Kontaktaufnahme und auch die gesamte Kommunikation einfach und unkompliziert.
Wir hatten außerdem noch eine Tagestour ins Dourotal gebucht. Und auch diese Tour war wahnsinnig schön. Wir haben so viele Dinge gesehen und die Zeit verflog im Nu. Und dann noch das ausgezeichnete Essen!!!! Und erst der Portwein-Aperitif am Aussichtspunkt!
Wir können Ennetours nur empfehlen und freuen uns sehr auf ein Wiedersehen. Herzlichen Dank Norberto für die tolle Zeit!!


3 Touren in und um Porto

Unsere 1. Tour, Abholung vom Flughafen, hat super geklappt.
Am nächsten Morgen unsere 2. Tour, 4-stündige Stadtführung. Katharina und Norberto haben uns abgeholt und wir haben die Stadt auch abseits von Touristenpfaden erkundet. Wir haben viel über das Land, die Stadt, die Geschichte, das Essen, Geheimtipps erfahren und die beiden machten die Tour spannend, kurzweilig und individuell.
Die 3. Tour führte uns einen ganzen Tag ins Douro Tal mit seinen wunderbaren Aussichten und Weinen. Norberto liebt seine Heimat und weiss einfach viel über Tradition und Geschichte. Das Mittagessen in einem portugiesischem Lokal war hervorragend.
Die beiden haben uns in unserem Urlaub immer wieder mit Ratschlägen versorgt, zB wo man in der Umgebung typisch portugiesische Restaurants findet usw..
Wir können Ennetours 100 % weiterempfehlen!
Liebe Katharina und Norberto, wir haben uns mit euch sehr wohlgefühlt und wir danken euch für eure große Mühe und tolle Stunden in und um Porto.


In Porto hatten wir eine super schöne Tour durch die Stadt und deren Geschichte. Norberto und Katharina kannten alle schönen Aussichtspunkte der Stadt, bei denen man einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Porto werfen konnte. Außerdem wussten unsere Guides viel über die Stadt und die Geschichte, die mit der Porto verbunden ist und konnten mich und meine Freundin so immer mit ihren Wissen fesseln und gestalteten so eine spannende Tour durch Porto.
Auch der Ort des Restaurants war gut gewählt und zu einem traditionellen portugiesischen Festessen gab es einen unvergesslichen Ausblick auf den Fluss, auf Porto und die Nachbarstadt.
Neben ihren breitgefächerten Wissen sind die beiden auch menschlich wunderbare Persönlichkeiten und es war mir eine Ehre und Freude mit den beiden Bekanntschaft gemacht zu haben.
Nochmals vielen Dank für die tolle Tour!!
Liebe Grüße Magda : )


An amazing Trip!
Together with my best friend we had two tours with Norberto. The first one was in Porto. He showed us of course the big, touristic spots like the Church of Saint Ildefonso or train station Porto São Bento, but he also knew those secret and beautiful places, remote form the masses, where you can enjoy this great city the most having an amazing view on the Ponte Dom Luís I while eating Francesinha. Norberto knows absolutely everything about the city and Portugal itself and could answer us every question we asked. He also told us so many things we wouldn´t even recognized otherwise!
Our second tour was through the Douro Valley. We made a picnic on a hill where we had breath-taking view. The trip took several hours including long time periods sitting in the bus, but it was neither boring nor exhausting. Noberto showed us many spots all over the valley where we could enjoy the moment or take some pictures. We also took part in a wine tour at Sandeman´s (tasting some very delicous Port wines) which was very interesting.
All in all it was a great time in Porto and we both enjoyed the tours a lot! I really can recommend Ennetours as Norberto and Katharina are both very lovely and friendly people who really want you to enjoy your trip the most!


Porto is a really beatiful city and this tour was perfect for exploring it! It was a very relaxed tour without the chaos the comes with a big group of tourists. The guide could tell you everything about the towns history and knows exactly where to take you and where the most beautiful spots are. I can really recommend you to take this tour if you visit Porto!!


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