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4 / 10
+/- 9 Horas
Aveiro, Paiva

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ATENÇÃO: o idioma usado em tour é o inglês!

Vai percorrer um dos percursos pedestres mais bonitos do mundo: os Passadiços do Paiva venceram as edições dos World Travel Awards em 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019!

São 8 km sobre um passadiço de madeira, sempre acompanhado pelo som das águas cristalinas do rio Paiva , em pleno Arouca Geoparque, classificado como sítio geológico da UNESCO.

Atravesse a segunda maior Ponte Suspensa do Mundo – 516 Arouca!  Tem 516 metros de comprimento e 175 metros de altura.

Depois da caminhada, vai degustar um delicioso almoço tradicional num restaurante típico. (opções de carne, peixe ou vegetarianas disponíveis).

Vamos passar a tarde na descontraída na cidade de Aveiro, conhecida como a “Veneza de Portugal”!

Iremos explorar o centro da cidade, conhecer os principais edifícios de Arte Nova e as principais praças.

E, uma vez em Aveiro, um passeio de barco pelos canais é obrigatório! Vai embarcar num “moliceiro” – os tradicionais barcos da ria – e descobrir a cidade através dos seus canais.

PICK UP/DROP OFF No centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma – Estátua de Vimara Peres
INÍCIO / FIM 08:00 / 18:30 (aprox)
Transporte em mini van e grupo pequeno (max 8)
Pick up/drop na Calçada da Vandoma
Bilhetes para os Passadiços do Paiva e Ponte Arouca 516
Almoço tradicional
Passeio de barco nos canais de Aveiro
Gorjetas (opcional)
Despesas pessoais
Despesas não mencionadas no programa

Reservar aqui


Descrição do Tour

  • Pick up no centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma, junto a Estátua de Vimara Peres;
  • Passadiços do Paiva;
  • Ponte Arouca 516;
  • Almoço tradicional em Arouca;
  • Vamos para Aveiro e descobrir o centro da cidade;
  • Passeio de barco pelos canais de Aveiro.

– Regresso ao Porto.


Fim do Tour

The paiva walkways
caminhada nos passadiços do paiva
arouca 516 bridge
Arouca 516
descida das escadas do rio paiva
os passadiços do paiva ao longo do rio paiva
edifícios de art nouveau em aveiro
Aveiro canals
Aveiro tour

Tour Comentários

4.95 baseado em 2301 revisões

I booked this experience for my brother and he absolutely loved it! Starting with being picked up from where his Airbnb , to a very wonderful host, incredible hiking, food, company, the entire day was action packed, super fun, and very memorable. He would a 100% recommend Norberto’s experience to everyone as it was unique, and overall amazing!


I booked this experience for my brother and he absolutely loved it! Starting with being picked up from where his Airbnb , to a very wonderful host, incredible hiking, food, company, the entire day was action packed, super fun, and very memorable. He would a 100% recommend Norberto’s experience to everyone as it was unique, and overall amazing!


I booked this experience for my brother and he absolutely loved it! Starting with being picked up from where his Airbnb , to a very wonderful host, incredible hiking, food, company, the entire day was action packed, super fun, and very memorable. He would a 100% recommend Norberto’s experience to everyone as it was unique, and overall amazing!


Norbertô est un super guide La marche très sympa Aveiro très sympa aussi A faire ! Et je recommande norberto!


Norbertô est un super guide La marche très sympa Aveiro très sympa aussi A faire ! Et je recommande norberto!


Norbertô est un super guide La marche très sympa Aveiro très sympa aussi A faire ! Et je recommande norberto!


I cannot recommend this tour enough!
From my inquiry to drop off, Norberto exceeded my expectations. The destinations did as well. I loved the combination of exercise, nature, history, storytelling — Norberto has the best stories about traveling I’ve ever heard –, scenic drive, scenic boat ride and so many idyllic photo opportunities. Oh – and lunch was a 10/10. I ate everything on my plate and the service and views at the restaurant were incredible. This tour is an incredible value and has been the highlight of my 10 days in Portugal (including in Lisbon) so far. I don’t even want to go to Morocco but after hearing that Norberto leads 10-day tours there too, I now want to go!


I cannot recommend this tour enough!
From my inquiry to drop off, Norberto exceeded my expectations. The destinations did as well. I loved the combination of exercise, nature, history, storytelling — Norberto has the best stories about traveling I’ve ever heard –, scenic drive, scenic boat ride and so many idyllic photo opportunities. Oh – and lunch was a 10/10. I ate everything on my plate and the service and views at the restaurant were incredible. This tour is an incredible value and has been the highlight of my 10 days in Portugal (including in Lisbon) so far. I don’t even want to go to Morocco but after hearing that Norberto leads 10-day tours there too, I now want to go!


I cannot recommend this tour enough!
From my inquiry to drop off, Norberto exceeded my expectations. The destinations did as well. I loved the combination of exercise, nature, history, storytelling — Norberto has the best stories about traveling I’ve ever heard –, scenic drive, scenic boat ride and so many idyllic photo opportunities. Oh – and lunch was a 10/10. I ate everything on my plate and the service and views at the restaurant were incredible. This tour is an incredible value and has been the highlight of my 10 days in Portugal (including in Lisbon) so far. I don’t even want to go to Morocco but after hearing that Norberto leads 10-day tours there too, I now want to go!


Journée très riche en découvertes et en paysages. Parcours très bien structuré et varié, de la montagne au bord de mer, nous permettant de découvrir plusieurs visages authentiques du Portugal ! Sans parler du délicieux repas typiquement portugais. Nous recommandons vraiment cette expérience ! Paula et Michel


Journée très riche en découvertes et en paysages. Parcours très bien structuré et varié, de la montagne au bord de mer, nous permettant de découvrir plusieurs visages authentiques du Portugal ! Sans parler du délicieux repas typiquement portugais. Nous recommandons vraiment cette expérience ! Paula et Michel


Journée très riche en découvertes et en paysages. Parcours très bien structuré et varié, de la montagne au bord de mer, nous permettant de découvrir plusieurs visages authentiques du Portugal ! Sans parler du délicieux repas typiquement portugais. Nous recommandons vraiment cette expérience ! Paula et Michel

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