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+/- 9 Horas
Aveiro, Paiva

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ATENÇÃO: o idioma usado em tour é o inglês!

Vai percorrer um dos percursos pedestres mais bonitos do mundo: os Passadiços do Paiva venceram as edições dos World Travel Awards em 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019!

São 8 km sobre um passadiço de madeira, sempre acompanhado pelo som das águas cristalinas do rio Paiva , em pleno Arouca Geoparque, classificado como sítio geológico da UNESCO.

Atravesse a segunda maior Ponte Suspensa do Mundo – 516 Arouca!  Tem 516 metros de comprimento e 175 metros de altura.

Depois da caminhada, vai degustar um delicioso almoço tradicional num restaurante típico. (opções de carne, peixe ou vegetarianas disponíveis).

Vamos passar a tarde na descontraída na cidade de Aveiro, conhecida como a “Veneza de Portugal”!

Iremos explorar o centro da cidade, conhecer os principais edifícios de Arte Nova e as principais praças.

E, uma vez em Aveiro, um passeio de barco pelos canais é obrigatório! Vai embarcar num “moliceiro” – os tradicionais barcos da ria – e descobrir a cidade através dos seus canais.

PICK UP/DROP OFF No centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma – Estátua de Vimara Peres
INÍCIO / FIM 08:00 / 18:30 (aprox)
Transporte em mini van e grupo pequeno (max 8)
Pick up/drop na Calçada da Vandoma
Bilhetes para os Passadiços do Paiva e Ponte Arouca 516
Almoço tradicional
Passeio de barco nos canais de Aveiro
Gorjetas (opcional)
Despesas pessoais
Despesas não mencionadas no programa

Reservar aqui


Descrição do Tour

  • Pick up no centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma, junto a Estátua de Vimara Peres;
  • Passadiços do Paiva;
  • Ponte Arouca 516;
  • Almoço tradicional em Arouca;
  • Vamos para Aveiro e descobrir o centro da cidade;
  • Passeio de barco pelos canais de Aveiro.

– Regresso ao Porto.


Fim do Tour

The paiva walkways
caminhada nos passadiços do paiva
arouca 516 bridge
Arouca 516
descida das escadas do rio paiva
os passadiços do paiva ao longo do rio paiva
edifícios de art nouveau em aveiro
Aveiro canals
Aveiro tour

Tour Comentários

4.95 baseado em 762 revisões

Fantastic guide is Roberto! We enjoyed everything. A very mixed dayfull tour wiith fun, adventure nature and a lot more. Perfect!!!! Thank you for this amazing day Norberto!


Norberto ist ein klasse Guide und wir hatten viel Spass auf der Tour, trotz des Regens. Alles hat perfekt geklappt und war gut organisiert. Da die Tour Ende November stattfand, gab es kaum Touristen, was sehr gut war. Auch das Mittagessen war sehr lecker.


The whole experience was great. The bridge and walk along the river was magical. We had a wonderful lunch mid-day and then on to Aviero for a walk around town and then a boat ride, finishing in Costa Nova. Norberto made us feel welcome. Highly recommend.


Nous avons passé une magnifique journée. Notre guide, Ricardo, a été super à l’écoute. Il a répondu à l’ensemble de nos questions. Il est un excellent guide 🙂


Norberto offers an absolutely fantastic experience. Despite the rain, we saw an amazing amount of sights, perfectly timed and in a leisurely manner. I was a bit concerned beforehand about the walkways, but don’t worry, it is basically all downhill! Norberto thoroughly explained how long the hike was and even offered to stop in the middle for those who might need it. The bridge was very cool and we even got to see some old houses constructed out of stone. All before the delicious local lunch! The cozy restaurant truly served all we could eat and drink. Afterwards, we explored Aveiro and took a fun and interesting boat trip before checking out the striped houses and returning home. Norberto is an avid traveler with loads of great stories about Portugal and abroad. He set a wonderful tone for the trip and we made lots of new friends. Before we booked this trip, we looked into several different options to see some of the sights and Norberto offers the best experience by far. I highly recommend it, even in the rain!!


The bridges, hiking, boat ride, and villages were great, but tour guide Ricardo is what makes this experience, well, an experience. He lives in the area and gives a first-hand account of how people live, which is something you really couldn’t get any other way. Our group asked all sorts of questions that might have seemed silly (“What kind of coffee should I order if I like it this way?”), and he answered them all kindly. This was a terrific experience!


Ricardo was a lovely guide and host, ensuring we knew how long each visit would be and the various options we’d have as it is a lot of walking. The suspension bridge alone is worth the visit, truly magical.


Ricardo ist ein super netter Reiseführer und hat uns gut durch den Tag gebracht! Zuerst ging es per Kleinbus auf Schleichwegen zur Arouca Brücke, die wir dann überquert haben. Dann machten wir uns an den Abstieg über die Paiva-Wege – ca. 500 bis 600 Stufen bergab. Nach 4km auf Holzbohlen kam dann die erste Möglichkeit, abzukürzen. Wer wollte, konnte noch weitere 4 km entlang des Flusses wandern. Alles in allem erwarten einen ca. 6 bis 700 Stufen, man sollte auf jeden Fall gutes Schuhwerk tragen. Mittags gab es ein landestypisches Essen in Arouca – sehr lecker und familiär. Nach Aveiro war es auch noch einmal ca. 30 bis 40 min Fahrt. Der Ort ist hübsch, die Brücken mit den Bändern sind fotogen. Die Fahrt auf den Kanälen mit dem Boot war sehr informativ und unterhaltsam. Auf dem Rückweg noch ein Abstecher zu bunten Häusern am Strand, leider war es schon relativ spät und daher relativ dunkel. . Alles in allem ein toller Tag und absolut empfehlenswert.


I had a wonderful time on this experience. I was really lucky in the group of people that I went with, and they made the experience. There were 8 of us, and Ricardo was absolutely fantastic! He was so accommodating and patient with us as we asked questions about the area or needed a bathroom break. He provided us with umbrellas and ponchos as it was pouring during our hike. The weather was gross, and we got drenched. But it was still a lovely hike, and we were actually the only people on the trail that day because of the weather. I do wish we had a bit more time to explore in Averio and the coastal town, but many places were shut down in the off season anyway so no big loss. The group really made the experience, and we ended up going for dinner afterwards and brunch the following day!
Ricardo was amazing! Thank you!


Nous avons passé une journée exceptionnelle! La prise en charge super! Et le guide était génial! Il nous traduisait tout en français! Les visites fidèles à la description du programme! Le repas dans un petit restaurant était tres bon! Merci pour cette belle journée! Merci à notre guide!


Ricardo the GREAT!
Great walk with a fabulous guide. Ricardo was so accommodating to our meeting point…offering many
reasonable options. Once on the tour, he offered so much insight and personal knowledge, tips, and
recommendations. I HIGHLY recommend this trip and Ricardo in particular.


Excellente journée! Les paysages sont magnifiques, la passerelle est impressionnante et Ricardo notre guide est très sympathique! Très bon restaurant à midi également. Merci encore!

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