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4 / 10
+/- 9 Horas
Aveiro, Paiva

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ATENÇÃO: o idioma usado em tour é o inglês!

Vai percorrer um dos percursos pedestres mais bonitos do mundo: os Passadiços do Paiva venceram as edições dos World Travel Awards em 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019!

São 8 km sobre um passadiço de madeira, sempre acompanhado pelo som das águas cristalinas do rio Paiva , em pleno Arouca Geoparque, classificado como sítio geológico da UNESCO.

Atravesse a segunda maior Ponte Suspensa do Mundo – 516 Arouca!  Tem 516 metros de comprimento e 175 metros de altura.

Depois da caminhada, vai degustar um delicioso almoço tradicional num restaurante típico. (opções de carne, peixe ou vegetarianas disponíveis).

Vamos passar a tarde na descontraída na cidade de Aveiro, conhecida como a “Veneza de Portugal”!

Iremos explorar o centro da cidade, conhecer os principais edifícios de Arte Nova e as principais praças.

E, uma vez em Aveiro, um passeio de barco pelos canais é obrigatório! Vai embarcar num “moliceiro” – os tradicionais barcos da ria – e descobrir a cidade através dos seus canais.

PICK UP/DROP OFF No centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma – Estátua de Vimara Peres
INÍCIO / FIM 08:00 / 18:30 (aprox)
Transporte em mini van e grupo pequeno (max 8)
Pick up/drop na Calçada da Vandoma
Bilhetes para os Passadiços do Paiva e Ponte Arouca 516
Almoço tradicional
Passeio de barco nos canais de Aveiro
Gorjetas (opcional)
Despesas pessoais
Despesas não mencionadas no programa

Reservar aqui


Descrição do Tour

  • Pick up no centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma, junto a Estátua de Vimara Peres;
  • Passadiços do Paiva;
  • Ponte Arouca 516;
  • Almoço tradicional em Arouca;
  • Vamos para Aveiro e descobrir o centro da cidade;
  • Passeio de barco pelos canais de Aveiro.

– Regresso ao Porto.


Fim do Tour

The paiva walkways
caminhada nos passadiços do paiva
arouca 516 bridge
Arouca 516
descida das escadas do rio paiva
os passadiços do paiva ao longo do rio paiva
edifícios de art nouveau em aveiro
Aveiro canals
Aveiro tour

Tour Comentários

4.94 baseado em 748 revisões

Tout simplement wow, vous vivrez une expérience unique vous permettant de découvrir une magnifique région du pays. Quant à Norberto, je lui décerne une médaille d’or. Il est allé au delà de mes attentes, très sympathique, attentionné, à l’écoute de mes besoins, obrigado Norberto !


This is a really wonderful tour that allows you to see the country side and learn more about Portugal’s history and people. Norberto does a great job showing you modern areas and historical areas. The walk was a really nice way to spend time outside and see the beautiful landscape of Portugal.


I am so glad that I signed up for this day trip! I was able to conveniently and comfortably see several wonderful places outside of Porto. Norberto planned this experience very thoughtfully and we all got along very well with him. The nature walk is spectacular, the towns we went to are very special, and each spot was very different from the others. We also were made to feel at home while eating a delicious lunch at a typical Portuguese restaurant. Highly recommended!


This experience is filled with beautiful views, lots of walking, a traditional lunch and a boat ride through the channel. Paiva walkways are a must do for anyone who likes to hike- the views are amazing. The lunch was one of the best meals we had during our trip. Very enjoyable day!


This tour is great for anyone who wants to go off the beaten path and get to know Portugal outside of Porto! The walkway, Aveiro, and Costa Nova are all beautiful and I would have never seen them if not for this tour. Norberto was a great host – he was friendly and shared personal stories about his experience living in Portugal. He made sure we had a comfortable trip, an authentic Portuguese meal and saw all the beautiful sights. He made it easy for us by providing tickets for the experiences we went on during the trip. This was a memorable experience. Thank you Norberto!


We had a wonderful day with Norberto. Will definitely recommend it.


Nous avons passé une excellente journée. Norberto est très sympathique et nous a fait découvrir des endroits magnifiques. Les paysages sont très beaux, la nourriture Portugaise dans un restaurant typique était savoureuse. Nous recommandons cette excursion. Merci.


Great walk on a nice trail. Interesting conversation. Interesting places and insight into the local community. Nice places to see.


Highly recommend ennetours!!
Enne Tours is amazing from start to finish!! if you’re looking for an adventure around porto that is intimate yet open and fun – you should definitely contact norberto! there are numerous tours to choose from but norberto is the best and will make sure that you are taken care of the entire time. he is the ultimate host who knows his country well!

we went with the one day tour of the paiva walkways and aveiro. the paiva walkways is an amazing pathway that was built to showcase the natural beauty of the area. the course is not difficult for those who exercise on a regular basis, but it may be a bit strenuous for those who do not. if you book with norberto, he will make sure both parties will be taken care of. for those who do not wish to complete the course, there is a halfway point where norberto waits for you. and, for those who wish to check the views at the end, you can continue on and expect to climb some serious steps to get to the top and then head back to the halfway point to join the rest of the group.

from the paiva walkways, we headed to this local restaurant. we were treated to the local specialties of portugal and the food was incredible! they were even able to accommodate those who do not eat meat.

after an amazing lunch, we traveled to aveiro – known as the venice of portugal. norberto got us on a gondola – with a crazy, fun and entertaining guide to see the views of aveiro via the canals. aveiro is beautiful and quaint with it’s striped, painted houses, the fish market as well as the salt production facilities.

i highly recommend enne tours and getting in touch with norberto! you will not regret it. the only bad thing is that there’s only one enne tours and one norberto. it would’ve been great if he had the ability to do tours in sintra!


Una excursión completa con una caminata de 8km al lado del Río Pavia, aprox 2,5 horas, una comida típica con vino de la region. Después pasamos al pueblo de Aveira, un paseo por los canales, caminando por el pueblo – muy tranquilo. Al último visitamos Costa Novo – un día con diferentes experiencias! Con Norberto nos pasamos un día muy agradable!!


Highly recommended. I have gone on quite a few airbnb experiences and this was one of the best. I am in my 50s and I was a bit worried about the stairs beforehand. Not to worry – the stairs are only in the beginning of the trail and the hike is mostly along a boardwalk. It wasn’t an easy stroll because of the stairs, but it wasn’t too difficult either – as I could take my time. It was nice to be able to freely and look around. Norberto is an excellent guide and has put together a very professional tour.


Amazing trip, Norberto was nice and planned an exciting trip with various activities. The hike was not too difficult. Nortberto even had cold water for us in the car.

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