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+/- 9 Horas
Aveiro, Paiva

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ATENÇÃO: o idioma usado em tour é o inglês!

Vai percorrer um dos percursos pedestres mais bonitos do mundo: os Passadiços do Paiva venceram as edições dos World Travel Awards em 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2019!

São 8 km sobre um passadiço de madeira, sempre acompanhado pelo som das águas cristalinas do rio Paiva , em pleno Arouca Geoparque, classificado como sítio geológico da UNESCO.

Atravesse a segunda maior Ponte Suspensa do Mundo – 516 Arouca!  Tem 516 metros de comprimento e 175 metros de altura.

Depois da caminhada, vai degustar um delicioso almoço tradicional num restaurante típico. (opções de carne, peixe ou vegetarianas disponíveis).

Vamos passar a tarde na descontraída na cidade de Aveiro, conhecida como a “Veneza de Portugal”!

Iremos explorar o centro da cidade, conhecer os principais edifícios de Arte Nova e as principais praças.

E, uma vez em Aveiro, um passeio de barco pelos canais é obrigatório! Vai embarcar num “moliceiro” – os tradicionais barcos da ria – e descobrir a cidade através dos seus canais.

PICK UP/DROP OFF No centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma – Estátua de Vimara Peres
INÍCIO / FIM 08:00 / 18:30 (aprox)
Transporte em mini van e grupo pequeno (max 8)
Pick up/drop na Calçada da Vandoma
Bilhetes para os Passadiços do Paiva e Ponte Arouca 516
Almoço tradicional
Passeio de barco nos canais de Aveiro
Gorjetas (opcional)
Despesas pessoais
Despesas não mencionadas no programa

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Descrição do Tour

  • Pick up no centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma, junto a Estátua de Vimara Peres;
  • Passadiços do Paiva;
  • Ponte Arouca 516;
  • Almoço tradicional em Arouca;
  • Vamos para Aveiro e descobrir o centro da cidade;
  • Passeio de barco pelos canais de Aveiro.

– Regresso ao Porto.


Fim do Tour

The paiva walkways
caminhada nos passadiços do paiva
arouca 516 bridge
Arouca 516
descida das escadas do rio paiva
os passadiços do paiva ao longo do rio paiva
edifícios de art nouveau em aveiro
Aveiro canals
Aveiro tour

Tour Comentários

4.95 baseado em 762 revisões

We hebben een perfecte dag gehad. Norberto had alles geweldig geregeld.
Wandeling was niet te zwaar. De trappen in het begin zodat we het zwaarste stuk in het begin hadden.
In 2020 komt er de grootste hangbrug ter wereld. Nu is er nog n kleintje.
Daarna hebben we heerlijk gegeten in een gezellig restaurant.
Boottocht in Aveiro was wat toeristisch maar de heren op de boot maakte er een heel feest van.
Als afsluiting naar Costa Nova met n goed verhaal van Norberto over de bewoners van het vissersdorp.
Norberto heeft ons de hele dag prima begeleid met mooie verhalen.
Deze trip is elke cent waard!


This was an incredible day spent with Noberto and 8 other guest. It enabled us to hike the Paiva Walkways, have a delicious meal in a small, intimate family-run Portuguese restuarant, and ride a gondola and tour the fantastic, quirky town of Aveiro, also known as the “Venice of Portugal”. Noberto was caring, warm, friendly and very knowledgeable and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this experience


Besides being the ONLY tour that combines Aveiros & the Paiva Walkways together. Norberto was an expert in knowing about them and made it a great experience. He picked us up in a clean VW van, offered us water all the time, took us to a very delicious Portuguese restaurant.. We couldn’t have asked for a better day.
Thanks Norberto!


Wenn man in Porto ist, sollte man auf jeden Fall die Tour zu den Paiva Walkways machen. Es ist wunderschön dort zu wandern und die Ausblicke zu genießen. Unser Guide Noberto hat uns den ganzen Tag gut umsorgt. Wir bekamen unterwegs Wasser und ein tolles traditionelles Mittagessen mit Getränken. Nachmittags sind wir nach Aveiro weitergefahren und konnten eine Bootsfahrt machen. Noberto hatte viele Hintergrundinformationen für uns. Wir hatten einen super Tag!!!!


This is a great tour. Norberto is a super nice guide with a great knowledge of the area and the history of Portugal. The hike was fantastic. The stairs may be a challenge for some, but we had a 13 year old and a 74 year old with us and everyone made it without issue. The lunch and visit to the other areas were also a lot of fun. Its a bit of car time, but well worth it, and Norberto keeps you entertained while traveling.


Norberto is fantastic. Feels like you are being shown around by a local friend. This is a very good experience.


This is a fantastic experience. The morning on the walkway and the afternoon in Aveiro are completely different but complementary activities, with lunch being a highlight between them.


Fabulous day out of Porto!
Norberto collected us promptly from our hotel . There ere 7 people in the tour. His black minivan is beautifully cleaned and spacious. He offered us all bottled water several times during our day trip. The Paiva walkway was wonderful…a lot of stairs which we were all glad with Norberto’s decision to start at the hardest bit of the walkway- the stairs while we all had energy to tackle them. He walked with us through the hardest part then set us off on our own along the walkway, then met us at the end with the car and drinks…perfect! We then went for a traditional lunch in a village which was delicious and where Norberto talked about family life in Portugal and the importance of meals together and the passing of tradition from generation to generation. A wonderful day out and highly recommend doing this activity if you are in Porto and want to experience the countryside of Portugal!


Norberto is as good as it gets. Friendly, knowledgeable, and guides a really well organized and executed tour. We did the Paiva walkways tour (and the Paiva walkways were great!) but there was SO much more packed into this day than just that walk. The traditional (“typical,” as they say) lunch in the gorgeous rural small town was fantastic and the visits to Aveirno and Costa Nova were really enjoyable. Overall, a great day and a really great value. We stayed in Lisbon and Porto for our vacation to Portugal and did not rent a car. This trip enabled us to see sides of Portugal that we never could have done on our own. Fabulous. Thanks!


What a great day! I was picked up right from my place and the Paiva Walkway was incredible. The small group was fun and very relaxing. Everything was seamless and Norberto gave us his personal insights on Portugal which were fascinating. Aveiro and Costa Nova were lovely and lunch was top notch. Highly recommended!


Norberto is a great host, with so much knowledge he likes to share!


Norberto was the best tour guide we had in Portugal. He is extremely friendly and personable, and he made our experience comfortable, fun and very unique. The offering itself is off the beaten path and was one of my highlights of our 10-day trip. Any age can do the walk, and the trip to Aveiro is great for everyone too. My mom and I went together, and we would absolutely give this tour our highest recommendation!!

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