Todo o ano
4 / 10
+/- 8 Horas

95€ pp – Grupos pequenos —


Saímos do Porto às 8h da manhã em direção a Arouca onde faremos uma breve paragem usar a casa de banho e para um café.

Prepare-se para a aventura! De seguida, vamos para os Passadiços onde vai cruzar uma das Pontes Suspensas Mais Longas do Mundo – a 516 Arouca! Tem 516m de comprimento e 175m de altura sobre o rio Paiva!

AVISO: atravessar a ponte NÃO é obrigatório. Tem a opção de evitar a ponte.

Depois da ponte, irá percorrer os Passadiços do Paiva, a descer. São 7km de percurso ao longo de um passadiço de madeira na margem esquerda do rio.

Traga calções ou fato de banho!! A meio do percurso vai encontrar a praia do Vau! Terá algum tempo livre para mergulhar e nadar ou simplesmente colocar os pés nas águas límpidas do rio Paiva.

Atenção: certifique-se de traz uma muda de roupa! Não pode entrar na van com roupas molhadas!

(tem também a opção de caminhar apenas metade do percurso: 3,5 km. Iremos busca-lo a meio do caminho, mas pode decidir isso no dia do passeio)

O almoço é outro ponto alto do nosso dia: vitela assada no forno em potes de barro num restaurante típico da região. (há opções de peixe ou vegetarianas).

Depois do almoço, vamos descobrir Arouca através da cultura e histórica local com deguastação de doces conventuais relacionados com o Mosteiro de Arouca.

Regresso ao Porto.

PICK UP/DROP OFF Calçada da Vandoma – Estátua de Vimara Peres  (catedral)
INÍCIO / FIM 08:00 / 17:00 (aprox)
Pick up/drop em Calçada da Vandoma (catedral)
Transporte em minivan (grupo pequeno: máx 8 pessoas)
Bilhetes para a ponte Arouca 516 e para os Passadiços do Paiva
Almoço tradicional
Prova de doces conventuais
Despesas pessoais
Gorjetas (opcional)
Despesas não mencionadas no programa

reservar aqui


Descrição do Tour

  • Pick up no centro da cidade: Calçada da Vandoma, junto à Estátua de Vimara Peres;
  • Passadiços do Paiva;
  • Ponte suspensa Arouca 516;
  • Almoço tradicional
  • Visita a Arouca

– Regresso ao Porto.

Nota: Aconselhamos a trazer calçado e roupa confortável, água, chapéu e protector solar.


Fim do Tour

arouca 516 bridge
Arouca 516
caminhada nos passadiços do paiva
passadiços do paiva e cataratas
ponte sobre o rio paiva nos passadiços
descida das escadas do rio paiva
os passadiços do paiva ao longo do rio paiva

Tour Comentários

4.98 baseado em 570 revisões

Fabulous day!
Our tour guide Joao (Ennetours) was fantastic, very professional, explained everything really clearly, the whole day was well organised. Joao was so knowledgeable about the area and knew a great deal on Portuguese history, really enjoyed listening to it and learning bits I never knew! Crossing the suspension bridge was a fun experience, and the walkway had some incredible views of the river and gorge. Lunch in Arouca was delicious, good hearty meal with green wine! Followed by sweet treats and a coffee or beer! Definitely recommend it, fabulous day, thank you Joao


Fabulous day!
Our tour guide Joao (Ennetours) was fantastic, very professional, explained everything really clearly, the whole day was well organised. Joao was so knowledgeable about the area and knew a great deal on Portuguese history, really enjoyed listening to it and learning bits I never knew! Crossing the suspension bridge was a fun experience, and the walkway had some incredible views of the river and gorge. Lunch in Arouca was delicious, good hearty meal with green wine! Followed by sweet treats and a coffee or beer! Definitely recommend it, fabulous day, thank you Joao


Fabulous day!
Our tour guide Joao (Ennetours) was fantastic, very professional, explained everything really clearly, the whole day was well organised. Joao was so knowledgeable about the area and knew a great deal on Portuguese history, really enjoyed listening to it and learning bits I never knew! Crossing the suspension bridge was a fun experience, and the walkway had some incredible views of the river and gorge. Lunch in Arouca was delicious, good hearty meal with green wine! Followed by sweet treats and a coffee or beer! Definitely recommend it, fabulous day, thank you Joao


We had a great time on this tour and would highly recommend it to anyone! Lunch was amazing and so was dessert. Narberth was an amazing guide and full of knowledge.


We had a great time on this tour and would highly recommend it to anyone! Lunch was amazing and so was dessert. Narberth was an amazing guide and full of knowledge.


We had a great time on this tour and would highly recommend it to anyone! Lunch was amazing and so was dessert. Narberth was an amazing guide and full of knowledge.


Brilliant! Our guide was friendly, professional and knowledgeable. He took time to explain the history and the present day life of Portugal. Great interaction. An unavoidable change to our itinerary was dealt with quickly and efficiently. We would highly recommend this tour.


Brilliant! Our guide was friendly, professional and knowledgeable. He took time to explain the history and the present day life of Portugal. Great interaction. An unavoidable change to our itinerary was dealt with quickly and efficiently. We would highly recommend this tour.


Brilliant! Our guide was friendly, professional and knowledgeable. He took time to explain the history and the present day life of Portugal. Great interaction. An unavoidable change to our itinerary was dealt with quickly and efficiently. We would highly recommend this tour.


L’excusion était top! le beau temps au rendez vous et nous étions avec des amis. Tout s’est très bien passé. Pris en charge à Porto à l’heure et retour vers 17h. Le repas du midi en une vrai bonne découverte même si le restaurant est très bruyant. Nous avons même pu faire un petit détour par la caserne pour un echange entre pompiers Portugais et Français 🤗. Nous conseillons !


L’excusion était top! le beau temps au rendez vous et nous étions avec des amis. Tout s’est très bien passé. Pris en charge à Porto à l’heure et retour vers 17h. Le repas du midi en une vrai bonne découverte même si le restaurant est très bruyant. Nous avons même pu faire un petit détour par la caserne pour un echange entre pompiers Portugais et Français 🤗. Nous conseillons !


L’excusion était top! le beau temps au rendez vous et nous étions avec des amis. Tout s’est très bien passé. Pris en charge à Porto à l’heure et retour vers 17h. Le repas du midi en une vrai bonne découverte même si le restaurant est très bruyant. Nous avons même pu faire un petit détour par la caserne pour un echange entre pompiers Portugais et Français 🤗. Nous conseillons !

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